Welcome to Local Food Wanaka

Why is local food important?

  • It tastes good. The less the distance from the earth to your plate, the better the food tastes.
  • It provides local jobs and supports the local economy.
  • It creates resiliency for the community in the event of natural disaster or economic crisis.
  • It promotes health by encouraging the eating of fresh seasonal produce. Direct contact with nature when growing and harvesting food promotes physical and mental wellbeing.
  • It connects people back into the natural cycles of life.
  • It connects up the people who grow the food with those who eat it, thus strengthening community and giving more control to both producers and customers.
  • It gives people a sense of satisfaction and security.
  • It’s good for the planet. Food miles create pollution and use up non-renewable resources.
  • It’s good for people, who generally love growing and eating and sharing kai.

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